Saturday, May 24, 2014


I'm participating again this year in the Rochester Contemporary Art Center's seventh annual fundraising exhibit entitled, 6x6x2014. Artists are asked to create work that is 6"x6" to be sold anonymously for $20 per piece. All proceeds benefit RoCo Art Center. It's a worthy cause and a very clever way to fill the coffers of the non-profit organization.

The online preview has posted, so here's how to find and purchase all six of my top secret, anonymous works of art on the RoCo website: click here. Then search in the "Find art by #" box (left sidebar) for 6182. You can then scroll through to see the remaining five pieces. They're digital art high resolution prints on semi-gloss photo paper, signed by me on the back. They were all inspired by music.

If you're near Rochester, New York, stop by the gallery for the Opening Party & Artwork Sale on June 7, 4-10 PM ($10 admission). The work goes on sale online on June 10th at 10 AM ET. Only $20 to get art for yourself and support the arts at the same time! 

And, since you read my art blog, you can see my work right now!

[UPDATE: All six pieces have been sold!]



"It Might as Well Be Spring"

"Jazz Waltz"

"Savoy Ballroom"

"The Joint Is Jumpin'"

Monday, May 19, 2014

Celebrate the Healing Power of Art 2014

The annual "Celebrate the Healing Power of Art" exhibition from Manhattan Arts International is now online and I'm delighted to be a part of it. Only fifty artists were selected for the show by guest juror Lilly Wei, a New York-based art critic, writer and independent curator whose focus is contemporary art. You can learn more about the show and Ms. Wei here

My piece is a hand-colored photograph entitled "Green Haven." I enjoyed using such a wide range of greens to add the color to this lush scene. The original is in the collection of Dr. Jeanne Russell, Los Angeles. Please click here to see the entire exhibit through July 17. 

"Green Haven"
"Green Haven" is currently available as a print in various sizes, or as a greeting card. Visit my gallery on Red Bubble if you'd like to order.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Pain" - A Mail In Art Show

I'm pleased to be a part of the postcard mail art exhibit entitled "Pain," curated by artist Ted Meyer for the LRC Gallery at the David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA). It will run from May 7th through August 30th, and it's also posted on the gallery's website. There are 129 postcards, and the online slideshow makes a powerful statement.

Ted was diagnosed with Gaucher's disease when he was a child -- it's caused by a hereditary deficiency of an enzyme that causes painful symptoms and, in his case, resulted in multiple surgeries for joint replacements. Because of his illness and his years of experience with the medical establishment, he approached UCLA with a program of a series art exhibits designed to enhance their core classes for medical students, and they agreed to implement it. The medical school has been exposing students to plays, movies and short stories for at least ten years as part of its doctoring curriculum, which focuses on cultural sensitivity, interviewing skills, and medical ethics. Ted's goal is to encourage medical students to see their patients compassionately, as fully human, not just bodies they do procedures on.

The gallery is in the new medical education building, the Learning Resource Center, so the exhibit will be seen by students and faculty, by members of the local public who arrange a tour, and worldwide by anyone who finds it online. My contribution to the show is entitled, "What Not to Say to a Person in Pain!"

The piece has provoked some discussion already, including a new "favorite" shared with me by another artist who's in the show: "I got one of those helpful comments recently: 'How does it serve you?'" Those blame-the-patient comments are the worst!